Let's Talk Science with Thuli

EP 4 - Let's Talk citrus fruits with Dr Khumbuzile Bophela

Thulile Khanyile Season 1 Episode 4
Audio Player
00:00 | 34:32
  • Dr Bophela chats to us about fruits and how her work as a plant pathologist is to solve solutions related to the diseases and infections that affect fruits. 
  • How do we ensure that the fruits that go into the market are healthy? At what points of the value chain do tests have to be conducted? And more...
  • Beyond Science Dr Bophela talks to us about relationships, dating life as an emerging academic, self-help, how she was bullied as a child and much more. 
  • Bullying and mental health are critical issues in the high pressure environment we live in today. Dr Bophela tells us how she copes with the pressure and much more.